miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010

Una conversación con Stephen Shore

DH The American highway is a mythical motif, not just in photography, but in American literature and popular culture. In your brief text for the book you talk about films and songs that you heard growing up and which contained “a magical litany of place names” including St Louis and Joplin, Missouri, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Gallup, Flagstaff, Winona, Kingman, Barstow, and San Bernardino. These are all rather secondary American midwestern and western cities, and yet they were places that you wanted to experience firsthand. Was the idea of a journey strictly an outward movement for you? This is work made 35 years ago; looking back now, looking through every single exposure, do you see any inward movement accompanying this freedom you found on the road, as a young artist?

SS I'm not sure it was a metaphor for me. I think I played the role of an explorer. As I recall, it was that trip where…there used to be a store in NY called Abercrombie and Fitch [Abercrombie and Kent], which was not the yuppie clothing store it is today. It was on Madison Ave and it was a safari outfitter. If you were going on a big game safari you would go for your clothes and your rifles...

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